Ayahuasca & Master Plant
Dieta Retreats


Chullachaqui Healing Center is owned and operated by a family of Shipibo Maestros who follow traditional practices and rituals of healing with the plants. This knowledge was handed down to them by their teachers and ancestors.

Allow yourself to receive healing from the medicine plants and the medicine songs known as Icaros – of the Maestros in an 11 day retreat. The retreat center is located an hour and a half outside the city of Iquitos, hidden in the Amazon jungle on 25 acres of private land with a natural spring-fed river that gently meanders through the Center.

Upcoming Retreats


– April 14th – 24th

– June 16th – 26th

– July 31st – August 10th

– October 12th – 22nd

Our Healers

Maestro Don Guillermo

Maestro Don Daniel

Maestra Elisa

This is a testimonial about the healer retreat center and the teachers! This is a testimonial about the healer retreat center and the teachers! This is a testimonial about the healer retreat center and the teachers!

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Large Shipibo Tapestry – 1m x 1m

Shipibo Tapestry

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